Trump is needed to stop terrorism

      Trump is needed to stop terrorism   


As toxins are required in medicine
The cancer of terrorism threatens whole world. America also  

: Dear Americans
For the safety of America .. and for the peace of the
Election "Trump" for a period of 4 years  is needed

 Elected "Trump" or go to die by terrorism - slowly cancer. Recovery from the cancer of terrorism. His medication needs some of the poisons named "Trump" ..

The key to peace of the world in your hands.

election  "Trump  is yours  security key

 Oh Americans , the security of America and the world .. is in your hands the  

O  Americans   
 .. Elect  "Trump"  if only only for 4 years  

If the "Trump" on a small amount of fascism, it is fit for the work of the vaccine and vaccines against the huge amounts of the fascist terror .. just  a few of poison of the  snake or scorpion, is very neccsscary , for laboration the vaccine and serum to heal the bites of snakes and scorpions .. 

EU countries have been addicted, yelling and slapping in the face of terrorism .. and merely this, so they envy the United States, because EU never goes out one leader as the strength , courage and candor  of : "Trump".

 , Dear Americans people  
Terrorism threatens not only yours country. But  whole world is searing . And your country is the driver of the world .. take yours responsibility. Toward the world. you have to chose to wipe out terrorism, to save the world as well as to save your country "United States"  

There are types of evil . not able to be ressisted by peace or by kindness .so we have to resistant it by more severe 

  : Pope washes & kiss  the feet of Muslims .. 
       No peace by washing & kissing legs 

If Pope washes - more - their buttocks .. terrorism would increase
The problem is not in the dirty legs .. .. but in a minds needed a person likes "Trump" able to wash and clean the minds of  
the terrorists ..  not the Pope 


